Domestic Violence

Domestic abuse and violence are unfortunately common in California. It is estimated that a significant portion of women and men in the state will experience physical violence, sexual violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime. These numbers increased during the pandemic. Many of these incidents occur within marriages and domestic partnerships. Disentangling your life from an abusive partner can be complicated and dangerous, but it is worthwhile. Working with an experienced attorney can help you reclaim your life and simplify the process of ending your abusive marriage.

At Madigan & Lewis, LLP, we will work with you to find the best solution to discreetly and safely end your marriage.

Understanding Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse occurs within intimate relationships such as marriages and domestic partnerships. The abusive partner often exercises control over the victim through intimidation, coercion, and violence. Abuse may be physical, mental, emotional, sexual, financial, or verbal.

Often, abuse becomes more frequent and severe over time until the abuser is satisfied with their control over their victim. Most victims of abuse consider the behavior normal and do not identify as a victim until the harm crosses a certain threshold they cannot ignore. 

Abuse within a marriage can be especially harmful due to the legal and financial entanglements these relationships entail. Victims who acknowledge they are being harmed may hesitate to end their marriage because of the complications or the risk of future harms. While they wait, they may suffer from escalating abuse that may make the process of leaving harder.

Working with an experienced attorney is invaluable for ending abusive marriages. Your attorney can guide you through the complications and help you develop a safe exit plan. 

Ending Abusive Relationships with Madigan & Lewis, LLP

We work closely with you to ensure that even the most complicated case is resolved safely and smoothly. Call 650-482-8480 or send us a message to speak with one of our qualified attorneys and learn more about how we can help you.

Please also visit  CORA is the only agency in San Mateo County solely dedicated to helping those affected by intimate partner abuse. From counseling to emergency housing, to legal assistance, their services are designed to provide safety, support and healing.