California is one of nine states that separates property into two classes, community and separate, and California law requires a determination of whether a given asset qualifies as community or separate property. The distinction is crucial, and the parties do not always agree on an asset or debt’s classification. Under California law, it is presumed that all property acquired during marriage is community property and owned equally by the spouses. Similarly, assets acquired with the labor or earnings of either spouse during marriage are also presumed to be community property. However, there are exceptions to that simple rule, including, for example, property obtained by gift or inheritance.
Unfortunately, not all assets lend themselves to simple characterization. The division of certain assets, such as pensions and stock options, involves more complex considerations and may require the input of an actuary or forensic accountant.
Even when the parties agree that an asset is community property, however, and it should therefore be divided equally, their agreement may not extend to the value of that asset. Some values are straightforward, but others, like the value of a closely-held business, leave a great deal of room for interpretation and differences of opinion. In those cases, it is important for litigants to work with an experienced family law attorney.
Call 650-290-7393 or send us a message to speak with one of our qualified attorneys and learn more about how we can help you.