Model Parenting Plans

One of the most important decisions divorcing or separating parents make is the time their children will spend with each parent.  In California, divorced or separated parents use a parenting plan, also known as a custody and visitation agreement, to specify how their children spend their time.

Parenting plans vary widely depending on the child’s age, development, and many other factors.  The child’s best interest is the guiding principle in developing a parenting plan.  The Arizona Supreme Court has published a useful resource titled Planning for Parenting Time: Arizona’s Guide for Parents Living Apart, which outlines sample parenting plans.  Click the link below for the Arizona Parenting Time guide.

The California Courts website also provides separating parents helpful information about parenting plans in California.  Please click the link below for the California Courts Parenting Plans page.

The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers has also published guidelines intended to help parents make decisions regarding their parenting time when they no longer reside in the same household.
